This line is considered as a positive sign in palmistry because it is a support line for the l. Sun line, apollo line palm reading chinese palmistry. If the fate line starts from mount of moon and there is horizontal line on the mount of moon. If there are cross lines or horizontal lines then this means that the person is likely to go on a long journey, perhaps a cruise. To find out if you will be wealthy in life we need to look. While some people show a double influence line, there are others who even have three of them. Lines intersecting fate line palmistry, palm reading, fate. Tagged branch from mount of moon touching fate line, fate line, hand reading, luck line, palm reading, palmistry, success predictions, the line of fate, the line of luck.
A line that connects from the life line to the moon mount is a travel line. If fate line is good and an influence line from mount of moon comes and joins fate line then it indicates love marriage. First of all, the line which you are talking about which starts from the mount of moon will be considered as your fate line itself rather than sun line. What if your sun line starts from mount of moon and merges. If this line starts from high up on the mount or from the upper mount of mars vanity not love will be the incentive to this marriage. The person goes abroad and stays there for a considerable period earning a good amount of money. Indian vedic palmistry, fate line in judging the career ups and downs, fate line and job or. A common misconception about the life line is that it.
This line begins between the index finger and the thumb and continues downward toward the base of the thumb and the connection to the wrist. It should not be cut by any horizontal lines in its course. The fate line line b is connected to our career and general outlook on work. Below are some of the most common type of fate lines which you can observe in your hand. Job linefate linedestiny linesaturn line in palmistry. A line falling out from the life line and going to the mount of moon is also a line of travel. Small lines descending from the line of life towards mount of moon represents travel to foreign lands. Fate line on the hand for palmistry fate line on the.
If a worry line starts from a star on the end of an influence line and cut a rising line from the life line 293, it indicates that the death of a relative caused the trouble. Due to the first fate line of moon, the person will try something new in art and craft or try a new business of his own until 35 years, when he will earn a lot. Influence line cutting fate line palm the influence line arises from the mount of venus and meets the fate line after transiting the regions of moon and neptune. A star connected by a line of influence with the mount of venus or the line of life hysteria or insanity often of an erotic character. Because the fate line is also a symbol of someones inner journey, these obstructions could be selfinflicted. What does it indicate if a line from a lifeline goes to. Palmistry and palm reading, the moon mount, and what it means. A sun line from wrist till head line indicates luck and fame at very young age. An influence line from the mount of the moon merging into the line of fate with a line of union marked and often without that line of union union.
Fig 3 ss if it is not the case, it can start as a branch from fate line and should reach sun mount. Meaning of fate line in indian palmistry indian palm reading. Black spot on the mount of moon indicates obstacles in the marriage or continuous interference from relatives in the relationship. If the curvature is very steep and ends at mount moon, it indicates sucidal tendency.
If fate line is good and an influence line from mount of moon comes and. You could think out ways to take a short cut and are easily to get success in. Sometimes it is referred to as the saturn line, because it points to saturn finger, and sometimes it is called the luck line because it deals a lot with success. If it ends at mount of moon, a person think more creativly.
Palmistry fate line your fate line is the key to your. If the worry line start from an influence line, the influence has made the trouble. Lines of head, heart and life should be long and clear and without any blemishes. What does it indicate if a line from a lifeline goes to the moon mount crossing a fate line. An influence line from the mount of the moon merging into the line, but cut. When this, line from the moon reaches the fate line without. Career prediction based on your fate line indian vedic. A fate line that begins at the very base of the palm depicts a person who has planned out his future at a very young age. The intersection point of the fate line and head line is for the age of 35 and the point with the heart line is for the age of 55. The line on the palm that people are most curious about is the life line.
Palmistry the art of palm line reading lines on palm. According to many palmists, fate line indicates luck or fortune of a person. It is considered as an excellent type of fate line. If there are two fate lines on the palm, one starts from mount of moon and crossing the head line, they end at heart line, then the person is very. If this control line cuts fate line or destiny line and leaving it and travels for.
Palmistry is a method of counselling that originated in india over 3,000 years ago. Tagged absence of fate line, branch from the emerging point of fate line cuts life line, break in fate line, broken fate line, double fate line, fate line, fate line age, fate line analysis, fate line branches, fate line from mount of moon, fate line in hand reading, fate line on palm, fate line palm, fate line palmistry, fate line reading. Fate line starts from mount of moon public figure, famous in society, work for charity, abroad travel. Mount of moon or also known as luna mount shares a major portion on the lower side of our hand with the mount of venus. It starts in mount of moon and ends near base of apollo ring finger.
Life line starts from in between place of thumb and index finger and ends at edge of the palm after encircling the thumb area or the mount of venus. In this video you will learn the different types of fate lines and their meaning. Do you have these fortunate signs on the mount of moonpalmistry february 23, 2018 fcpalmistry 1 mount of moon represents our subconscious mind and imagination. Some people come to me and ask see sir, i have a very short life line, does it mean that, my life span. A clear break loss of loved ones drooping offshoots towards the line of head attracted towards opposite sex fate and heart lines are islanded. Mount of moon is symbolic of imagination, creativity and intuition.
The individuals having the line of moon are found to have a. It is all of this that the mount of the moon symbolizes. If the fate line starts from mount of moon, and there is a horizontal line on the mount of moon. The subconscious mind is so powerful that it has got the potential to convert the limitless imagination bestowed by. When a line comes from the mount of the moon toward the fate line and perhaps running with it without touching it fig. This line starts from the bracelet or the mount of moon and reaches the regions of mercury in the farm of a bow. Islands in palmistryextremely bad and unlucky sign in. Tagged absence of fate line, break in fate line, broken fate line, double fate line, fate line, fate line age, fate line analysis, fate line branches, fate line from mount of moon, fate line in hand reading, fate line on palm, fate line palm, fate line palmistry, fate line reading, fate line starting from life line, fate line starts from life. If the line is deep and clear, it means a person is. If the line is more in curvature at its middle, it indicates a superb mental power. Palmistry fate line your fate line is the key to your success. Also, you can determine the fate of human reliability.
When the line of travel meets line of fate and mergers with it, and the line of fate becomes stronger after the merger, it indicates an increase in fortune due to voyage. If the line of the sun runs along with it, it is absolute that your business will go more firmly. Mars line ends on bracelets manibandh or long mars line. Line of moon or luna on palm palmistry hand reading. A number of lines on the luna mount show that the subject may travel. By itself the marking indicates a check to the upward career. The head line, also known as the wisdom line considered one of the most important lines in chinese palmistry, reveals mental and psychological makeup and intellectual development and intuitive abilities. Life line,moon mount nd luck line case 1 if a line coming from moon mount just touches luck line in this case,anyone of the following may happen. When there isnt a fate line that is visible on your palm, a person will most probably always struggle to identify the best career path that will make them happy.
Life line palmistry meanings traits characteristics. Primarily the hindu method divides them into 6 different types of lines, and the western method refers to it as. On the other hand, horizontal lines seen on the mount is considered bad signs as it indicates anxiety, uncertainty and an inability to cope with difficult situations. Fate line in indian vedic palmistry ups and downs in career, job. Line of apollo sun line on palm reading palmistry lines. Hurdle lines cutting sun line and fate line youtube. If the line of control from the mount of moon does not mix with the line of fate or.
Palmistry meanings traits and characteristics lines. Line of apollo sun line may rise from the line of life, or from the line of fate, or from the plain of mars, or even from the mount of moon, or the line of head, and, or from the line of heart, or it may only appear as a small line on its own mount. Do you have these fortunate signs on the mount of moon. Fate line starting from mount of moon if the fate line starts from mount of moon and there is horizontal line on the mount of moon, it indicates earnings in a foreign land. Fate line starts from mount of moon public figure, famous in society.
Please find out the timing on the fate line from the picture at the right. If the life line and fate line are joined during their journey, the person will hold the responsibilities of his family or will be very attached to the family i. In chiromancy is responsible for career and all that is connected with work and money. What does it indicate if a line from a lifeline goes to the moon mount. Palmistry is a subsection of this vast knowledge and deals specifically with. Mount of mercury palm reading vertical and horizontal. This mount should be broad and lightly rounded in shape. Mount of luna palm reading vertical and horizontal lines. If line goes to mount of luna then a long journey is undertaken. A single vertical line found in the mount of mercury is considered very auspicious, if the line is deep then it shows great scientific aptitudes see pic b. If your fate line starts from the mount of moon located on the base of the palm, little. Fate line, careerjob line, luck line palmistry chinese palm. It is a part of a vast field of study, referred to as samudrik shastra, which literally means the ocean of knowledge. Fate line also known as the line of destiny, the fate line is a vertical crease in the center of the palm that reveals the degree to which an individuals life will be influenced by external.
Of course, as much as the mount of the moon is able to tell you on its own, our most accurate understanding of our destinies comes from the interplay between the mounts and the four main lines that make up our palms, the fate line, the life line, the hear line, and the head line. Fate line arises from the mount of moon palmistry, lucky. Its so named because it originates from the mount of moon located on the base of the palm, little finger side and descends upward to the mount of sun located below the ring finger which is also called the apollo finger. Generally the sun line starts at the base of the palm and ends on the sun mount. Influence line from mount of upper mars cuts fate line loss from. If there are two fate lines, one starts at the mount of moon and ends at head line, other line starts from life line and ends at heart line, then the second line will be more effective.
When your fate line starts from the palm base and ends at the mount of saturn, it means a successful career created from nothing. Island in palmistry is formed when the line splits itself into two parts and rejoins after travelling some distance creating a void or blockage to the main current 1island on the mount of moon 2island on the mount of venus 3island on the mount of mars 4island on the mount of mercury 5island on the mount of sun 6island on the mount of saturn 7island on the mount of jupiter 8island on. Discover what your fate line reveals by hand reading. A strong sun line will always compensate for a weak or non existent fate line. Fate line, careerjob line, luck line palmistry chinese.
The line is marked from the base of the palm with the age of 5. The mount of moon, the seat of imagination, being set at the base of the hand, is considered as the attracting power which causes the head line to start downward. The sun or apollo line is the sister line to fate line. Sun lines presense gives a boost to the existing fate line.
Fate line known as the line of saturn, which starts at the wrist and goes up to the middle finger. If the line of head sinks low on the mount of moon and the line of intuition cuts it, the. If the fate line abruptly ends at the head line, it denotes a person who somehow traveled away from his ambitions between the ages of 30 to 40 years. When it starts from life line or from inside of the life line, one will receive constant support from family members or relatives. The main vertical line running up the palm toward the saturn finger middle finger is called the fate line.
Do not think only head line decides how much wealthy a. It also makes the person restless which results in poor decision making. The person goes abroad and stays there for a considerable period earning a good amount of. According to the art of palmistry this line is considered very important on a persons palm. The sun line or apollo line is one of the important lines in palm reading. If the fate line starts from the mount of moon and goes all the way towards the saturn mount as shown indicates that the persons fate is a lot more dependent on the help and support from others.
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